LSA Council Secretary

The following is a description of the role of the LSA Council Secretary

Title:                     Council Secretary

Status:                 LSA Officer

Tenure:                Subject to annual re-election     

Honoraria           £ 300 per year

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The Council Secretary works closely with the Chair to organise and record the Council meetings, and with the Membership Secretary, who will send information from you to Members on Mailchimp.

Meetings of the Council

·        Liaise with the Chair to plan meetings and book venue

·        Hold the LSA Zoom account, schedule meetings and act as ‘Zoom host’

·        Send out the Agenda and relevant documents to the Council via email

·        Take notes at the meeting, write the Minutes and circulate to the council via email for approval at the next meeting

·        Keep a check on agreed actions points at meetings

·        Provide information for the Membership Secretary to send to the members via Mailchimp, if required

·        Ensure that the LSA’s activities and procedures are in line with the society Rules


Records and administration:

·        Keep the Society Rules and policies on file and update after the AGM if required.

·        Keep contact details for Council, Officers and co-opted members and a list of Council members start and end dates

·        File the approved Minutes of society Meetings

·        Keep records of non- members associated with the society e.g. Patron, President, Honorary Members and act as a contact point via phone, post, email etc. 


Annual General Meeting


·        Provide the Agendas and documents  - the Membership Secretary will send to members

·        Provide any documents required such as proposed changes to the LSA Rules

·        Book the venue

·        Take notes at the meeting and write the Minutes

Skills required – basic computer skills and email and taking notes in meetings

Not required - Use of Mailchimp

Information - November 2021

Contact  - If you are interested in this role, or just need more information please contact the LSA Chair, David Clarke -