oil painting by Scott Bridgwood

Ten2 Gallery
102 Castle Street
Leics LE10 1DD

A ten week course starting on Wednesday 18 January 2023

Time: 19:00 - 21:00

Cost: £160.00

Tutor: Scott Bridgwood

Who is it suitable for?  Beginners and those with some experience. Over 16s only.

What will it cover?  Life drawing of the human figure, from observation and usually naked.  Scott will guide you through various postures and the use of various drawing and painting media.

What will I need to bring? Cartridge paper and a range of pencils and charcoal.

Scott Bridgwood is an award winning figurative painter, who graduated from the prestigious Chelsea Art College and has exhibited widely in the UK and overseas. He is a hugely respected tutor and his Life Drawing Classes are always popular.

 More information - https://www.ten2gallery.co.uk/classes

T: 01455 636339
W: www.ten2gallery.co.uk