I mostly use pen, ink and watercolour to capture the excitement of a moment in time – from sport, landscape or live events.  I work spontaneously and intuitively, drawing directly with pen and ink and adding quick flashes of colour almost as a shorthand to describe people taking part in the action or cheering on from the side-lines – Fans fascinate me (I am one myself) a crowd can turn an event, inspire, encourage, dissent and unnerve – they are the essential ingredient, the audience.

The medium of pen and ink with watercolour is intense and risky, but quick and responsive, suiting my subject with its twists, turns and bursts of energy.  Teams’ colours have a rhythm as they move – singly or as a group, the flags and banners waved by the crowds of fans, set in the open landscape is perfect for me. It is these elements, along with the energy of the race or match itself, that I try to show in my pictures.



Read more about Maxine Dodd here.