
Annie O'Connor has been a practising artist for more than 12 years and prior to that Annie used her art in a variety of ways in her work in youth and community and education.  

She generally starts by sketching out ideas and choosing her inspiration this can be from what's happening around her, situations, colours, feelings and words.  Annie works primarily with mixed media using paper whenever she can.  Annie loves when she can re-purpose prints she has of her previous art work and says "the majority of my paintings contain bits of previous paintings and it feels like my paintings belong to a very long story that keeps evolving".  She is happy too when she can use recycled materials usually working on canvas occasionally on board.  Annie uses layering to add depth and interest often using a repeat yet random design.  

Annie is committed to developing her skills and to being inspired by everything and everyday things around her. 



Find out more about the work of Annie O'Connor here.