Mikki Longley, Market Harborough

47 Gardiner Street
Market Harborough
Leics LE16 9QN

Open | 10, 11, 24, 25 September-  from 10am - 4pm

Also  |  Wednesday 7, Thursday 22 September - from 10am - 3pm

Sketchbooks, preparatory drawings, paintings, prints, and cards can be seen in Mikki Longley's purpose-built studio, set in lovely gardens.

Commissions welcomed, framing service.

About Mikki Longley - My paintings embody the joy I feel for the English landscape. I focus on the contrast and dynamic interplay between the natural and built environment, creating paintings that are brim-full of light, energy, colour, and texture. Whether depicting a country church or a bustling market town, my goal is to create pieces that communicate a deep appreciation for our environment and to inspire viewers to look more closely at familiar places - noticing the previously unnoticed. My ultimate goal though is for my paintings to make their viewers smile.

Mikki Longley website

More about Mikki Longley -

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