I am a mixed media artist who loves working with pattern, texture, mark making and colour. I like re-purposing old book pages and working on paper ephemera. These surfaces often get covered, but tiny fragments can be exposed to reveal a sense of history and discovery. I often incorporate collage in my work. Collage gives me unexpected opportunities to create relationships between marks, textures and shapes that do not necessarily belong together. My paintings are frequently abstract but allude to the context or concept the work explores. I see myself as an artist painting with paper and sometimes drawing with scissors.

I have a background in printed textile design, so a love of colour, shape, structure and texture is constantly featured in my work. However, I now have much more freedom and enjoy exploring my practice and finding what really lights me up. My process now is usually very intuitive and often follows a call-and-response series of moves until I am satisfied everything is as I want it to be.


Read more about Sue Johnson here.